Learner Support
Workshop Series
The second ever Innopharma Education workshop series for learners was launched in early March. With a focus on academic, study skills and career development advice, this series will be delivered by the Learner Support Coordinator, Librarian and Career Hub’s Nicole Bakker! The series consists of nine workshops delivered online on Wednesdays from 6-6.30pm. With over 270 registrants for the first two workshops alone, they are proving to be popular among students.
Class Rep Feedback Sessions with Ian
Another spring, another series of class rep feedback sessions with Ian. Current class reps have been invited to small group, online sessions with the president of Innopharma Education. During the sessions, class reps can discuss their experience of the programme in an informal way. Ian also shares his knowledge of the industry and its growth and development for the future.
Self-Paced Orientation Resource for Learners
Inductions can be overwhelming sometimes, for both staff and learners. For staff, the concern lies with timing and maintaining the audience focus throughout. For learners, there is a lot to take in and information can easily be missed or forgotten. The Self-Paced Orientation Resource was created to go along with the induction and to help in this regard. It is an interactive resource with videos and tutorials, that offers a gentle introduction to Innopharma Education, the virtual learning environment and learner supports. It allows for the programme induction to be a more relaxed and engaging experience for everyone involved. This resource is available in the Learner Hub on Innoskills, under the ‘Getting Set Up’ tab.
Class Rep Training
Class Rep Training is well under way, with training completed for class reps on TU Dublin and Griffith collaborative programmes as well as the Innopharma developed programmes. Class reps have also been enrolled on the Class Rep Hub, which is an additional support for class reps with information and resources relating to the role.
Cybersecurity Awareness for Learners
As cybersecurity becomes more and more important in today’s day and age, we want our learners to be well informed. A cybersecurity information resource was created for learners and is available to them in Innoskills as part of the induction resources.
AHEAD Conference 2022
The AHEAD conference 2022, titled ‘Safe Haven or Stormy Port’ is taking place fully online this year. As Innopharma is a member of AHEAD, staff have the opportunity to attend for free this year. The conference will take place over one week, from Monday 21st March to Friday 25th March and features live presentations and interactive discussions on daily themes. For a full programme of the themes, webinars and speakers, click here to be directed to the AHEAD conference website.
Contact: Alexandra Anton, Learner Support Co-ordinator, learnersupport@innopharmalabs.com
Danielle O’Rourke – Learning Technologist – orourked@innopharmalabs.com
Alexandra Anton – Learner Support Co-Ordinator – antona@innopharmalabs.com
Colm O’Connor – College Librarian –