

Throughout the last 3 months, the education team have been extremely busy recruiting students for our first intake of 2024. We had a slightly different process in place as there was a larger focus on our private offering however the team worked very hard to get the documents validated, applications processed and students over the line before the application deadlines. 

Throughout the recruitment phase we held various open days, webinars and attended several canteen visits all across Ireland. It was great to see so many people turn up to every single event with a high-level of interest. 

This year we have welcomed over 400 new students across Ireland who are studying programmes from Level 6 up to Level 9. We have several eager progression students and also new recruits who are looking to make a change in their career. It is interesting to see that majority of this intake are employed. 

For the academic year 2023-24, we recruited 2,038 students (that's HUGE!). These are across a wide range of programmes including 550 AMTCE students, 119 Private Students, 1,057 HEA students and 357 International Students. 

A very strong start to 2024, we look forward to helping our students throughout the year work towards their goal and see where they end up post graduation. Stay tuned!

Inno Graduation

September 2023 Numbers

Sustainability webinar graphic
0:00 / 0:00

Graduation Quotes

Graduation Quotes

Exam Preparation Sessions

We had great attendance, especially as we made these optional for September students. We had a total attendance of 263 people across 3 different sessions. The presentation and recording have now been uploaded on Innoskills if you want to issue these to students. This may also be useful to watch if you are a new member of staff and haven’t gone through an exam cycle yet.

Innopharma Education Graduation



Jennifer and Alex attended the Intreo Multi-Sectoral Recruitment and Training Fair in Blanchardstown Shopping Centre on 21 March. It was great to meet and speak to potential students about our upcoming courses.

Alex & Jennifer at Intreo Event

Alex & Jennifer at Intreo Event

International Students & Team  

The ITT team (Industry Transition Team) are currently working with 750 students (243 graduates and 507 current students).    

We are really proud and particularly pleased with the results so far for the group that we met in July 2023 –Cohort 10 - from which 76% of the group who sought support have now secured employment in the sector.   Of the group who we met in October – Cohort 11 – 47% of the group who have sought support are now working in the sector.  We are still very actively working with both groups and look forward to those outcomes improving further in the coming months. 

The supports provided to each student include a skills audit to gather information on what each individual stuednts skill set and experience level is which helps inform what opportunities or companies will match those skills and experiences once they have successfully completed their Masters in Pharmaceutical Business and Technology, MSc in Digital Transformation and our newly introduced MSc Medical Device.  They meet with the ITT team in Semester one for Skills Audit and Induction, in Semester 2 for comprehensive CV Building skills suitable for job searching in Irish marketplace and in Semester 3 for practical in person Interview Preparation.  There is a job searching related assignment attached to each module and is followed on successful completion,  by a one to one meeting with experienced Career Coach on our campus in Sandyford.   In addition there is ongoing interview preparation sessions run each Monday and Wednesday evenings to support any student who has an upcoming interview in any given week as well as Career Clinics and Guest Speaker slots to give the new graduates as much information and supports as possible for job searching in Ireland which varies greatly to what they will have been used to in their own countries.   

There has been exceptional results for students who fully engage and avail of these supports and we look forward to working with the 507 students who will successfully complete in 2024.  We are excited to see many more of our International students gaining employment in the biopharmaceutical, pharmaceutical and medical device sectors in Ireland post qualification.  


Regional Updates from our Limerick Team 

It was a busy first quarter in Limerick with recruitment, in particular for the Level 6 Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Operations cohorts in Limerick and Athlone. The first provisional confirmed places for Springboard+ funded programme were for the Athlone Level 6 Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Operations group. The class list consists of 22 students, all of which are funded through Springboard. The group started on the 22nd of January and are doing great to date.  

The limerick group started later due to the additional Springboard places being released after the start-date. The class list consists of 21 students of which 17 are funded through the Springboard funding and 4 are private students.  

Along with that, our other January 2024 class lists include: 

Level 7 BSc in Process Technologies: 5 students received Springboard funding  

Level 6 Operational Excellence: 5 Students got springboard funding including 1 private  

Exam Graph

Regional Updates from our Cork Team  

We started the year with exams and open evenings. In early Jan we kicked off the year with exams  

Innopharma Education and TUDublin exams started early on 4th Jan and ran through to the 20th Jan and it was all hands on deck in cork as we successfully ran 21 exams in total over this period with in excess of 420 exams being sat and all papers returned to Dublin. Staff work late night and Saturdays to ensure the exams where as seamless and to support the students.  

In addition at a local level we support the Griffith exams that started on campus on 10th January and ran through to the 18th January. 7 exams in total ran locally in Cork and we supported and co ordinated the return of scripts to Dublin.  

Labs, Events and Canteen Visits

Labs, Events and Canteen Visits

Workshops & Labs


We had a lot of engagement with student at workshops and labs 

In Cork during Q1 - there was 7 sessions of MPT labs run and it accommodated cork and limerick students - over 150 students in total attended labs locally and Jenny Manning coordinated these with various TUDublin lecturers and staff. 

Career Supports - Nicole O Shea rolled out a new workshop for students for job supports and successfully ran 4 face to face workshops for students on 15th Feb and 17th Feb. This was a combination of interview prep and job search supports and also some practical uses of dexterity tests and group assessments. A great success and this will be rolled out in other locations in the coming semesters. 

Innopharma Education Graduation


History was made in Innopharma Education on Saturday 23rd March when the first Innopharma Graduation since receiving our QQI Institutional validation in 2021 was held in the beautiful surroundings of Airfield Estate. Since 2021 we have had 500 of students enroll on our programmes with the first group completing their higher cert in September 2023. 

The 75 Graduands and Staff arrived to a sun filled venue for this special occasion and when suitably capped and gowned, they all enjoyed the refreshments on offer and had the opportunity to reunite with their classmates.  The atmosphere in the venue reflected the joy and happiness of all attendees who also got to enjoy all that Airfield has to offer including beautiful gardens, market, farm etc.  It was truly heart-warming to meet all the excited Graduands and their supportive families and friends.  All of whom were acknowledged in the key role they played in the Graduates attaining their qualifications. The Ceremony was officiated by Ian Jones President Emeritus, Finbarr Sheehy Director of Postgraduate Programmes and Research, Sandra Mooney Director of Academic Affairs, Michelle McCoy Registrar and lecturers Áine Behan and Gareth Clarke. The venue ethos is one of sustainability and it tied in very well with the Innopharma Education's ethos of creating sustainable people. 

After the Ceremony it was great to hear the now officially titled “Graduates” stories of achievement and overcoming obstacles to arrive at this point which was encouraging and uplifting.  There were many updates of gaining new jobs and promotions as a result of completing the various programmes.  Indeed, many have been so encouraged by the benefits of studying that they have decided to continue their academic journey by progressing to both the BSc Process Digitalisation and the BA in Pharmaceutical Business Operations.  A special mention of Sean Feeney’s RIP family who really appreciated receiving Sean’s posthumous Award.  The Academic Achievement Award went to Wojciech Parczyk who although was not present on the day was “delighted and honoured” to receive the Award and has also decided to pursue the L7BSc in Process Digitisation.  All in all a very special and personal Graduation ceremony. Míle Buíochas to all the Graduation Committee for all their hard work in organising this special event. 

Innopharma Education

International Students

International Students

Events across the regions 

The team attended numerous site visits and canteen career events – focusing on building connections and focusing on business development. See events listed below with pictures.  

Limerick Events

Limerick Events


As well as students starting, we also have those finishing and completing exams. The team had 190 students across 6 programmes complete their exams in January. See breakdown of students here: 

Limerick Events

Limerick Events

Busy 3 months with Site Visits & Events


Sat 13th Jan we held an Innopharma Open Day on site in Griffith College Cork from 10am - 2pm.  Michelle McCoy. Jenny Manning. Alan Coomey and Ann Mitchell where in attendance on the day and we had 50 people register and in excess of 20 showed up on the day and where all met for a 1:1.

Jan 8th - Stryker Macroom (formerly Wright Medical) Nicole and Michelle met with the team on site in Stryker Macroom and this was our first visit and we are planning a return visit again during the summer to spend more time on this expanding site.

Jan 24th - Leo Labs Cork - Nicole and Ann Mitchell met with Leo Labs in Cork for an intro meeting and they are keen to have us back on site in the coming months. A great  meeting and even a power cut could not stop us.

Jan 25th - BioPharma Chem annual conference  in Radisson Hotel. Little Island. Over 1,000 delegates from around the country attended the BioPharma Chem Ireland annual event in the Radisson Hotel in Little Island. The main topics for the day where sustainability. digitalisation and the future of manufacturing with our very own Ian Jones presenting on Stage 1. Great support from Innopharma staff on the day with Ann Ryan, Jenny Manning and Ann Mitchell from Education and Caroline Fanneran and Luke Kiernan from Tech Services in attendance.   (Photo sent on this already( 

Jan 31st - GE Healthcare, Carrigtwohill. Ann Ryan, Nicole and Ann Mitchell met with some of the SMT and had a canteen session where we spoke to some past and present students and had interest from in excess of 10 new leads.

8th Feb - Alcon Model Farm Road - our first visit to Alcon and a very busy day split between morning and night shift. In attendance was Alan Coomey and Michelle McCoy in the morning for the day shift and Jenny Manning and Ann Mitchell in the evening for the night shift and we spoke to 17 new leads. (photos sent on this already) 

27th & 28th Feb - AbbVie Carrigtwohill - split over 2 days we where on site to meet staff in the canteen. Jenny Manning and Ann on 27th and Michelle McCoy was there to meet the morning shift on 28th and 13 new leads from this event.

Panel Discussion

Darren McHugh represented InnoGlobal as part of a panel discussion for the Diary Processing Technology Centre Knowledge Day. Chaired by Dr Miriam Ryan the focus was on navigating the future challenges within dairy processing to achieve sustainable growth and foster innovation. The event provided a springboard for discussions on the future of the Irish dairy industry. Darren contributed to sessions that explored the key challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. 

These included:

  • Sustainability: Finding innovative solutions to minimize environmental impact throughout the dairy production chain.
  • Technological advancements: Embracing automation, robotics, and other emerging technologies to streamline processes and enhance efficiency.
  • Evolving consumer preferences: Adapting to the growing demand for high-quality, ethically sourced, and functional dairy products.

Slides from the day

Slides from the day

Panel Discussion Slides

Panel Discussion Slides

Daniela Visits Brussels

Daniela visited Brussels as I’m one of the expert for the MLE on Industrial Decarbonisation, an exercise organised by the European Commission with the participation of 12 Member States of the EU!


Digiskills Workshop



SSPC Industry Forum

Technology took part in hosting the SSPC Industry Forum meeting with our Director, Sean leading the MC duties. A very eventful day with great talks from a range of experts and varied projects. A full tour of the labs and activities of Technology was presented. 

Caroline giving a tour of the labs

The Technology Team

New Reseaerch Study  - Process Energy profiling and Optimisation

In Technology, we are working on a new research study in the area of Energy Consumption and more Sustainable / Green Manufacturing. Pharmaceutical processes can be extremely energy intensive. This study aims to first characterize / model the energy being consumed during a fluid bed wurster coating process using our SmartX Process Automation and Digitalisation Platform and integrated power monitoring sensors. We then intend to further optimize the process using a digital tool to reduce the energy being used, while still maintaining the quality of the end material. This is a new area of research for us, and one that is really important. So stay tuned!

Congratulations to Victoria & Vlad 

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of a precious bundle of joy to the family of our esteemed colleagues! After nine months of anticipation and excitement, Vlad and Victoria are overjoyed to introduce their baby Thomas to the world.

Victoria & Vlad

InnoGlobal - An Update on Digiskills Africa

Digiskills Africa Cohort 2 began in February after a busy recruitment phase. After a successful cohort 1 completing the Digital Transformation in partnership with SARAO, we decided to go again! The aim of this programme is to provide graduates across the African continent with the skills needs for the manufacturing environments for Africa's transition to Industry 4.0.  

We opened applications in December 2023 and within one month we had 330 applications. These were all at a high standard. Due to the nature of the course, the requirement was for graduates to have a Level 8 Degree or higher and over 60% of applicants met this requirement. The standard was high... which made it hard for the team to narrow down the class list. After screening the applicants, the team (Ian, Sean, Sandra, Daniela, Gareth, Darren and Lauren) interviewed 170 applicants. It was great to see the high level of enthusiasm from them all. We selected a class list of 67 students! 

They started online lectures and elearning modules through innoskills in February and next week (15th April), The InnoGlobal team will meet them in Cape Town, South Africa for the in person workshop. Looking forward to seeing the progress for the programme and seeing the graduates achieve many great things in the high-tech manufacturing industry. 

Cohort 1

Cohort 1

Congratulations Nicola  

We are delighted to share with you the news of Nicola Rice’s promotion to the position of Head of Programmes with Tech Services. 

Nicola has a continuous improvement mindset and will bring innovative thinking, strong commitment, structured approach, and a fresh perspective to the role which will continue to drive our team’s success. Congratulations Nicola, we wish you well in your new role.  

New Starters

Technical Services New Starters

Mantas Malinauskas 

''My name is Mantas Malinauskas and I'm originally from Lithuania, but I have lived in Ireland most of my life. I studied Mechanical and Polymer engineering in TUS:MW (Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest). I love all things technology and I spend my free time playing video games with my friends and working out in the gym.''

Rasagnya Naravajjala 

"Hello! I am Rasagnya (Ras) Naravajjala and I am a Masters graduate in Pharmaceutical Business and Technology, joining the Supplier Engineer team at BSC.  

Before this, I was enrolled in an intensive validation engineering work simulation where I formulated and executed high level validation protocols and reports, including IOQs. I possess expertise in ICH Guidelines, cGMP & PQS, ALCOA++, IQ/OQ/PQ processes, CAPA and reporting. I also finished a Lead Auditors course that focused on Internal, Supplier and External Audits based on ISO 9001 and 19001 to help me understand the industry better.  

I previously worked for Amazon, India within a Machine learning (ML) Data Associate capacity. My experience at Amazon, spanning three years, provides me with insights into problem-solving within a fast-paced live environment. While pursuing my graduate studies, in my part-time role as Sec Phys Ops at AWS Data Centre, Ras effectively managed optics, ticketing, and documentation, ensuring site safety and compliance.  I have many different interests such as chats over a meal, new adventures, learning ukelele and exploring old libraries. I am a huge reader. If you have any book recommendations, please feel free to reach out.  I look forward to working with all of you". 

Serge Shyirambere 

"My name is Serge Shyirambere. I hold a bachelor's degree in pharmacy from Mount Kenya University and a Masters in Pharmaceutical Business and Technology from Griffith College. Previously, I worked as a pharmaceutical assessor at Rwanda FDA for more than three years. After completing my master's degree, I had the opportunity to join the Validation Programme at Innopharma Technical Services. Currently, I am working at Abbott Nutrition Cootehill as a CAPA Specialist. Outside of work, I enjoy exploring new destinations, hiking, camping and anything outdoor. Recently, I joined Parkrun, where I relish the weekly runs and sense of community spirit". 

Carmela Dela Vega 

"Hello, I'm Carmela. I'm joining Innopharma Technical Services as a Junior Tech Transfer Lead in Amgen. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Clinical Pharmacy and a Master's degree in Pharmaceutical Business and Technology. Originally from the Philippines, I worked as a Clinical Pharmacist in 2011 before moving to Dubai, United Arab Emirates in 2014. There, I gained experience in Retail Pharmacy and Pharmacy Benefit Management System. In 2022, I moved to Ireland for my master's degree and completed a Validation Engineer Internship with Innopharma from October to December 2023. I'm excited to bring my skills to this new role and I'm so thankful to the whole Innopharma team for guiding me through this transition. Outside of work, I enjoy reading, cooking, and traveling".

Congrats Nicola!


Welcome to the Team Áine 

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to Áine Galvin who joins us as Programme Facilitator on the Validation Programme. Many of you will recognise her name and already know that Áine brings a huge wealth of knowledge and experience with her to Innopharma from her roles both as a Senior Validation Manager and as a QP. Áine will be part of the team that will update and deliver the training materials on the Validation Programme. We are delighted she chose to join us and look forward to learning lots from her.  

Best Wishes Áine, welcome to the Team. 

Jojiya George  

"My academic background includes a Masters in Biotechnology and Business from University College Dublin, Ireland, alongside a Master of Technology and a Bachelor of Pharmacy from India. Currently, I am working as a QA Validation Consultant at Regeneron Limerick, contracted through Innopharma Technology Limited, drawing upon previous experience as an Associate Analyst, Quality Operations, at Novartis Hyderabad, India. I am a certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt from Novartis. I also worked as a Student Researcher at JKL Academic Laboratory-NIPER Mohali, India where I contributed to a graduate research project focusing on radical chemistry. In my leisure hours, I dedicate my time to serving with "Spreading Smiles", a voluntary organization from India committed to uplifting underprivileged communities. Additionally, I am deeply engaged as a valued member of my church choir, where I find joy in using music as a medium to inspire and connect with others". 

Aparna Nair  

"I hold a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from India and gained two years of experience in pharmacovigilance before moving to Ireland to pursue a Master's degree in Pharmaceutical Business and Technology with Innopharma Education. After undergoing the Innopharma validation internship, I started as a Validation Engineer at Abbott Nutrition in Cavan, where I ensure the quality and compliance of products manufactured at the site. Beyond work, I'm an avid reader. Traveling is another passion of mine, allowing me to immerse myself in different cultures".

Marko Ivkovic 

"I am originally from Serbia. I have an educational background in Engineering Technology. I started my career by working in the animal feed industry in Serbia for four years. In 2015, I moved to Ireland. I worked in the food industry in Ireland from 2015 until 2023. I have extensive experience in QC, QA, regulatory compliance, technical services, audit compliance, and managerial roles in the food industry. During the COVID pandemic, I realised I wanted to work in the pharmaceutical industry to help save lives and improve people's health. When I learned about the Innopharma Validation Internship programme, I applied immediately. I knew that this was the right next step for me. I really enjoyed the programme and I never looked back. I am now starting my role in Amgen as a Tech Transfer Lead in the Process Development New Product Introduction department. 

When I’m not working, I love playing sports (especially Olympic weightlifting and CrossFit), meeting new people, hiking, cooking, gardening, and travelling".  

TS Interns

TS Interns



Sonia & Paul attended the UL Science & Engineering Careers Fair in February

Sonia & Paul attended the UL Science & Engineering Careers Fair in February

Nicola visits Abbott Nutrition 

Nicola caught up the gang from Cohorts 22 & 23 in Abbotts Nutrition in February. Becky started with Abbotts in October quickly followed by Freddy, with Aparna and Serge both joining in January of this year. Mantas also (not pictured is joining the group in March. We wish them all continued success in their new roles. 

Nicola in Abbott

Nicola in Abbott

Celebrating International Women's Day

Celebrating International Women's Day

Our Current 2024 Cohort Interns 

Interns engaged in hands-on learning: Conducting small-scale manual granulation with a glass beaker and stirrer. This practical experience adds immense value to their training, offering real-world insights into pharmaceutical manufacturing processes.

TS Group

TS Group

Cohort 24 Garbing practical

In response to feedback from some of our existing Validation Engineers on client sites we have introduced a new introduction to garbing practical on the advanced validation programme. While it will never replace the need for site specific training the use of germ gel and black light certainly illustrated the need for care when following procedure. We all learned a lot and I hope had some fun. 

If you have any suggestions for practical’s or indeed learning outcomes please get in touch. We always love to hear from graduates of the programme as to how we can continue to improve. 

Sonia & Supriya attended the NUIG Careers Fair in January

Sonia & Supriya attended the NUIG Careers Fair in January

Nicola & Paul attended the University of Limerick ‘Employers in Residence’ Fair held in March for Engineering students.

Nicola & Paul attended the University of Limerick ‘Employers in Residence’ Fair held in March for Engineering students.

Celebrating International Women's Day

Celebrating International Women's Day


Social Committee Anouncement

Our Charity Partner for the year is The A-Team. The A-Team is a community-run initiative of youth clubs for autistic young people aged 9-25 and social groups for younger autistic children in North Tipperary. Another great charity to partner with for 2024!  As you will see below we will be fundraising throughout the year, but if you want to get started early you can donate here.

Please find ideas for some upcoming events below:

MAY - Online Table Quiz – Thursday 2 May 12:30pm (10 euro buy-in per person). Groups of 3 or 4 – online or in person, you decide!

JUNE - Step into Summer – We will be doing another fundraising steps challenge for the month of June so get those Fitbits charged and runners dusted off!

JULY - 4th of July Potluck – Join us in the Dublin office for a good old fashioned American potluck. If you are unable to come to Dublin, feel free to host regionally.

More details to follow. If you have any ideas for events, please send them on.



Social Commitee Members