Strategic Plan 2020 -2025

Innopharma Transforms

Innopharma Transforms articulates a shared vision for Innopharma Education’s future. It is inspired by our potential contribution to the higher education landscape in Ireland and informed by extensive research and consultation with learners, staff, partner Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), industry representatives and other stakeholders.

Innopharma Transform

Our Vision 

Our vision is to act as agents of transformation. We strive to transform the careers of our learners by developing their skills in areas that meet the current and future needs of the labour market. We strive to transform education by offering flexible programmes that utilise innovative learning technologies, and by collaborating closely with industry in programme design and delivery. In doing so, we strive to demystify the high-tech manufacturing sectors for lifelong learners, and produce competent, committed and reflective professionals with the confidence to transform their industries and contribute value to society.

Our Mission 

Our mission is to contribute value to our society by re-skilling, up-skilling and life-skilling our learners, enabling them to grow personally and professionally and build a better future for all.


Our Core Values 

Our values underscore our organisational culture, our strategic priorities and our decision-making.

Download Our Strategic Plan 2020-2025 PDF here

Our Team 

At Innopharma Education, we know that our core team have the capabilities needed to realize our ambitions, including our immediate goal of becoming a QQI accredited provider within our specific domains of expertise. 

Find out more


Our Strategic Priorities 

1. Our Learners
Our learners will be supported to develop personally and professionally in an environment where diversity is valued and innovation is fostered.

2. Our Quality

Our systems and processes will be characterised by excellence and managed with integrity.
3. Our Delivery
Our leading edge curriculum will incorporate innovative learning design and be delivered by qualified subject expert academic staff.
4. Our Engagement with Industry
Our programmes will be industry led and informed to meet current demands and to anticipate future labour market needs. Our graduates will have skills profiles that are relevant, immediately marketable and durable.
5. Our People and Structures
Our team will focus on continuous improvement as they strive to implement the objectives of Innopharma Transforms in a manner that reflects the core values of our organisation.