Advance Your Career With a Science Degree at Innopharma Education

Would you like to advance your career in the pharmaceutical industry? Are you looking for a way to advance your career without having to study full time? Or perhaps you’re wondering how you could advise your colleagues to do the same? Then a BA /BA (Hons) in Pharmaceutical Business Operations may just be the perfect option.
The fast evolving landscape of the international pharmaceutical industry these days means that studying doesn’t stop once you have secured a job. In order to be at the top of your game, it’s necessary to keep abreast of industry knowledge at all times. What’s more, if you want to improve your job prospects, and take your career to the next level, let’s face it – you need further study.
But given the long hours that we work these days and the stress of modern life this can be a difficult task.
At Innnopharma College of Applied Sciences, however, we make it easy. We offer Level 7 and Level 8 BA degrees in Pharmaceutical Business Operations, which will provide you with industry-level knowledge to progress your career to the next level – with top calibre courses that will fit into your lifestyle.
Up-skilling with Innopharma College of Applied Sciences will stand for your academic achievement while also showing a deeper understanding of your subject matter in practical terms.
What’s more, it will give you a competitive advantage when it comes career advancement meaning you’re more likely to get the job you want or the promotion you seek. The beauty of these courses is that they can be done part-time allowing you to continue working whilst studying.
What’s more, they take just 10 months to complete. Within just a year you’ll be a better position to further your career – wherever in the world you chose to work.
All of our courses are designed to the highest industry standards. Extensive coaching and mentoring workshops will be provided with a specific focus on individual assessment and improvement. We have the very best of tutors and encourage them to actively engage with our students so you get the support you need whilst studying.
What’s more, you can choose whether you want to study online or at the college facilities. All of the classes are broadcast live using an online training platform, giving you the opportunity to join the class online if for some reason you cannot attend class in person. The modules are also recorded which means you can view them at a later stage and also use them as a handy reference tool when it comes to revision time.
And we’re endorsed by industry. Our courses are specifically created with industry experts to include only subjects, which are relevant to the industry today. They focus on relevant subjects like pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution, quality management systems, strategic management, clinical research coordination, project planning and finance, and professional and technical communication.
Also, a substantial focus of the programmes develops the professional skills of the graduate to enhance their career opportunities through the development of their CVs and interview skills.
There will also be an emphasis on networking, presentation and communication skills – all of which will help when it comes to your professional development goals.
It’s a no brainer really. Enrol with Innopharma today and you will only look forward.
Call us today to talk through your options.