
Exploring Springboard+ Courses and the Human Capital Initiative (HCI)


Springboard+ courses and the Human Capital Initiative (HCI) are two pivotal educational programmes in Ireland designed to address skill gaps and enhance employability. Both initiatives aim to provide flexible and industry-relevant education, ensuring learners can adapt to the evolving job market.

What is a Springboard+ Course?

Springboard+ courses offer free or subsidised education opportunities to job seekers, those in employment, and returners to the workforce. These courses focus on high-demand sectors such as ICT, Biopharmaceuticals, and Business, providing qualifications from Level 6 (Higher Certificate) to Level 9 (Master’s Degree) on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). The initiative aims to upskill individuals, making them more competitive in the job market and addressing specific industry skill shortages.

Key Benefits of Springboard+ Courses:

  1. Accessibility and Affordability: Courses are free for eligible unemployed individuals and heavily subsidised for eligible employed individuals, making higher education accessible to a broader audience.
  2. Industry-Relevant Skills: Programmes are designed in collaboration with industry partners to ensure the skills taught meet current market needs.
  3. Flexible Learning Options: Many courses offer part-time and online learning options, accommodating diverse schedules and learning preferences.
  4. Career Advancement: Graduates from Springboard+ courses are equipped with the skills required for high-demand jobs, improving their employability and career prospects.

How to Apply for Springboard+ Courses:

Applying for a Springboard+ course involves selecting a programme that matches your career goals and qualifications. Prospective students can browse available courses on the Springboard+ website and follow the application guidelines, which typically require proof of eligibility, such as employment status and previous qualifications.

Eligibility and Application:

Springboard+ prioritises job seekers, those in employment, and returners to the workforce. Eligibility requirements include proof of residency in Ireland. Interested candidates can apply through the Springboard+ Initiative’s website, where they can register and submit their applications directly.

Course Offerings and Formats:

Courses cover various high-demand sectors, including biopharmaceuticals, food science and technology, and digital transformation. They are available in multiple formats—on-campus, online, or hybrid—to cater to different learning preferences. The duration of courses varies, with most being one year long, although some ICT Skills Conversion courses may extend up to two years.

Course Fees:

Eligible unemployed individuals and returners to the workforce typically have their course fees fully covered. Eligible employed individuals enrolling in NFQ Level 6 courses also receive full coverage, while those applying for Level 7-9 courses are responsible for 10% of the course fees, which can be covered by themselves or their employers.

Impact of Dropping Out:

Students who drop out of a Springboard+ course without completing it may face restrictions on future eligibility. This measure ensures that the European Union and the Government of Ireland's investment in these courses is justified and effective.

The Human Capital Initiative (HCI):

The HCI aims to future-proof Ireland’s workforce by enhancing higher education provision through innovative and responsive programme delivery. The initiative consists of three pillars:

  1. Pillar 1 – Full-Time Graduate Conversion Courses: These courses offer reskilling opportunities in areas like ICT, Data Analytics, and Environmental Sciences, providing Level 8 and Level 9 qualifications.
  2. Pillar 2—Additional Places in Existing Undergraduate Programmes: This pillar expands the capacity of higher education institutions to offer more places in high-demand courses, directly addressing skill shortages.
  3. Pillar 3 – Innovation and Agility: This pillar supports innovative education models and fosters partnerships between higher education institutions and industry to address emerging skills needs rapidly.

HCI Objectives:

The overarching objectives of the Human Capital Initiative are to:

  • Increase Skills Provision: Expand the availability of skills in areas that are critical for economic development and competitiveness, ensuring that the workforce is equipped with the necessary expertise for high-demand jobs.
  • Enhance Industry-Relevant Skills: Ensure that graduates possess the skills required for emerging technologies and industries, thus improving their employability and readiness for the future job market.
  • Promote Lifelong Learning: Encourage continuous upskilling and reskilling throughout an individual's career, supporting lifelong learning as a fundamental aspect of professional development.
  • Foster Innovation: Drive innovation within higher education by supporting new educational models and practices that can adapt to changing skill requirements and industry needs.

Differences Between Springboard+  and HCI:

While both initiatives aim to improve employability and address skill gaps, they differ in several key areas:

  • Scope and Focus: Springboard+ addresses immediate skill gaps in specific sectors through targeted, short-term courses. Conversely, HCI aims for broader systemic changes in higher education to meet future skill needs and promote continuous learning​
  • Target Audience: Springboard+ primarily targets job seekers and those needing to upskill quickly. HCI has a wider audience, including current students, and aims to enhance the entire higher education ecosystem​
  • Course Types: Springboard+ courses mainly offer part-time, flexible courses for immediate upskilling, whereas HCI includes full-time conversion courses and supports innovative education models across the higher education system​ 

How Does Innopharma Education Partner with Springboard+ & HCI?


Woman Wearing Gray Blazer Writing on Dry-erase Board


Springboard+ courses and the Human Capital Initiative are crucial in addressing Ireland’s skill gaps and preparing the workforce for future challenges. By providing accessible, industry-relevant education and promoting continuous learning, these programmes ensure that individuals can thrive in a dynamic job market. Whether you are looking to advance in your current career or transition to a new field, exploring the opportunities offered by Springboard+ and the HCI can be a transformative step toward achieving your professional goals. Innopharma offers a range of courses under the Springboard+ and HCI programmes, designed to provide you with the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in high-demand sectors like biopharma, food science, and technology.

Why Choose Innopharma?

Industry-Focused Training: Gain practical skills through courses developed in partnership with leading industry experts.

Flexible Learning Options: Enjoy the convenience of online, part-time, and hybrid courses that fit your schedule.

Career Advancement: Enhance your employability and open doors to new career opportunities with qualifications that are highly regarded by employers.

Don't miss out on the chance to boost your career with Innopharma’s cutting-edge courses. Visit Innopharma Springboard & HCI Courses now or contact us today to explore our offerings and take the first step towards a brighter, more successful future. 

Further Information:

For more details on Springboard+ courses and the Human Capital Initiative, you can visit their official websites:

Ready to apply to a Springboard+ course with Innopharma Education? Get in touch with us and we can help you out!

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